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Webinar Technology in education K–12 education

Webinar: Funding Classroom Education Technology for Hybrid Learning

Elizabeth Evans of Grants Office walks educators through a list of tech-friendly grants currently ...

group discussion

Technology in education K–12 education Education

So much grant money – 6 steps for making smart decisions on edtech

When you have enough funds to buy almost anything, where do you begin, particularly on the ...

full-room audio coverage

K–12 education Hybrid learning Education

Why full classroom audio coverage matters

Not every audio system is equally well suited for learning. After talking to teachers, we’re ...

talking in hybrid classrooms

Technology in education K–12 education Hybrid learning

5 technology essentials to get students engaged in hybrid learning

Getting remote students talking in hybrid classrooms can be incredibly tough. Here are 5 edtech ...

Remote and in-person students in a hybrid learning class work together

K–12 education Hybrid learning Education

9 lively hybrid learning activities that create a one-classroom feel

It's crucial to bring students together during hybrid learning — but also difficult. Try these ...

Students attend class in a HyFlex classroom

Webinar Higher education Hybrid classroom

Webinar: How Athens State University built hybrid classrooms from scratch

Join David Walker, director of Athens Teaching & Learning Innovation Services, as he walks you ...

Instructor teaching in a hybrid postsecondary classroom

Higher education Hybrid learning Education

21 hybrid learning activities that get students talking

It may be challenging, but it is possible to make HyFlex and hybrid courses just as lively as ...

HyFlex learning

Webinar Higher education Hybrid learning

HyFlex webinar: The secret to successful blended learning

In this webinar, Rodrigo Sanchez-Pizani joins Nancy Knowlton and Jon Knight to share King’s College ...

Students in HyFlex classrooms

Higher education Hybrid classroom Hybrid learning

9 ingredients for HyFlex classrooms that work — now and in the future

Investing more in HyFlex classrooms on your campus? Here are 9 things to help you create the spaces ...

Hybrid learning

Webinar K–12 education Hybrid learning

Webinar: New Year, New Normal. Best Tech for Hybrid Classrooms and Remote Instruction.

In this Tech & Learning webinar, educators from LaGrange Highlands School District share their ...

hybrid learning

Higher education Hybrid learning Education

11 timely ways to boost student participation in hybrid learning

Getting students participating in hybrid learning is challenging. But that doesn’t mean anyone ...