June 20, 2022
Video conferencing camera – integrated or separate?

Posted by Nancy Knowlton | President and CEO of Nureva Inc. on Jun 20, 2022 6:00:00 AM
There’s something I get asked a lot – why don’t you build a camera into your audio bar? It’s an understandable question. Other companies put the two components into a single package and have great success with that pairing in specific types of rooms.
We have chosen to not do this for one very simple reason – flexibility for our customers.Flexibility two ways
Flexibility comes in a couple of different flavors.
The first involves camera capabilities. Specs change over time, and often customers will want to upgrade to a camera with enhanced performance – resolution, tracking, field of view, etc. When the camera is a separate component, it’s easy to upgrade it without throwing away the microphone and speaker bar. It’s a simple matter of unplugging one USB camera and plugging in a new one.
The second type of flexibility has to do with installation. With two separate components, each can be placed in its optimal location without compromise. With an all-in-one solution, both elements must be installed in the same spot, perhaps with some degree of trade-off for one or both.
So while we could combine the two components, we have chosen not to, preferring to give our customers the flexibility they need to make the choices that are right for them.
The spatial dimension
Having a video camera built into a microphone and speaker bar may work in small spaces, like huddle rooms, where there are limited options for setup and use. Usually, these rooms include a table and chairs, with occupants always seated. In these tightly defined environments, it’s easy to see how an all-in-one system can be effective – especially considering the possible cost reduction achieved by combining the two elements.
But the focus can’t be on cost savings alone – it must be on delivering the solution that customers need and want tailored to their various spaces. Our conferencing systems are largely targeted at mid-size and large rooms. These spaces have the greatest demands and therefore the greatest need for flexibility.
Mid-size and large spaces often have varied uses and their configurations may change – sometimes daily. The performance demands for audio are high, with full-room microphone pickup most often required for effective meetings or classes. However, the video requirements may differ widely.
In some circumstances, like a hybrid classroom, one camera trained at the front of the room to show the instructor may be what’s needed. But in other situations, a single camera likely won’t be sufficient for remote participants to follow what’s happening in the room. Multiple cameras showing different perspectives are becoming far more commonplace.
The size, usage and configurability of larger spaces present different demands than smaller ones. A conferencing solution must be appropriate for each of the spaces. It’s that simple.
Validated by our customers
Our choice to not integrate audio and video into a single bar has been validated repeatedly as our customers deploy our systems into their spaces – meeting rooms, training rooms and classrooms. One size does not fit all.
Configuring solutions for these larger spaces doesn’t have to be difficult, complex or expensive. The fact that so many system components today are plug and play via standard USB means that solutions can be easily assembled and deployed. There’s no need to settle for systems that are more complicated than they need to be.
So, no, we don’t build our cameras into our microphone and speaker bars. Instead, we create solutions that give you the flexibility and performance you need in your mid-size and large spaces – with no need to compromise.
Avoid the back-order blues
Need to upgrade the audio or video in your meeting rooms or classrooms? We have a full range of flexible options for almost any space, all currently in stock and ready to ship. And check out our newest solution for classrooms – Nureva® XT.

Posted by
Nancy Knowlton | President and CEO of Nureva Inc.
June 20, 2022