March 11, 2025: ProAVL Central The FVC UCC & AV Summit 2025 comes to Bahrain
March 11, 2025: ProAVL MEA The FVC UCC & AV Summit 2025 comes to Bahrain
March 11, 2025: AVIntegracje Nowe technologie i rozwiązania sprzętowe na styku AV i broadcastu na ISE 2025 | Studiotech | Percon | Canon | Sony | Turtle | Evertz | multiCAM | Nureva |
February 22, 2025: ISP-Integracion Nureva optimiza el rendimiento acústico en grandes espacios
February 19, 2025: rAVe [Pubs] A Look Back at Nureva’s ISE 2025 Highlights: Audio Innovations, Live Demos and More
February 18, 2025: TalkingPointz ISE 2025: The TalkingPointz Pick Hitz
February 13, 2025: rAVe [Pubs] LAIA North America Showing Game-changing New PTZ Camera Line at ISE 2025 (includes integration with Nureva audio for camera tracking and switching)
February 8, 2025: Telephony Systemy konferencyjne Nureva HDL #ISE2025
February 7, 2025: AVIntegracje Systemy konferencyjne Nureva HDL #ISE2025
February 6, 2025: AVNation Nureva Leads the Charge in Smart AV Solutions at ISE 2025
February 5, 2025: rAVe [Pubs] Top Emerging Trends from ISE 2025 Day 1
February 4, 2025: rAVe [Pubs] ISE 2025: Nureva Launches iOS Version of the Nureva App with Acoustic Check
February 4, 2025: rAVe [Pubs] ISE 2025: Nureva Talks About Camera integrations with Nureva Audio in Meeting Rooms
February 4, 2025: rAVe [Pubs] ISE 2025: Nureva Shows Live demo of HDL410 with Camera Switching Capabilities In Large Room
February 4, 2025: rAVe [Pubs] ISE 2025: Nureva Explains Console Cloud-Based Dashboard for Simple Device Management
February 4, 2025: rAVe [Pubs] ISE 2025: Nureva Reveals Full Lineup of HDL Audio Conferencing Systems for Small to Large Rooms
February 3, 2025: AV Magazine ISE hosts its biggest speed pitching event prior to show
February 3, 2025: Digital AV Magazine Nureva resuelve la medición del rendimiento acústico en grandes espacios
February 3, 2025: Commercial Integrator LAIA Technologies North America Unveils ISE 2025 Highlights (includes integration with Nureva audio for camera tracking and switching)
February 2, 2025: Payload Chmurowa aplikacja do zarządzania wszystkimi urządzeniami Nureva
February 1, 2025: Commercial Integrator LAIA Technologies North America Launches PTZ Camera Lines (includes integration with Nureva audio for camera tracking and switching)
January 31, 2025: AVIntegracje Chmurowa aplikacja do zarządzania wszystkimi urządzeniami Nureva
January 31, 2025: Systems Integration Asia Nureva Simplifies Measurement and Analysis of Acoustic Performance in Larger Spaces
January 31, 2025: AVNation The Road To ISE 2025 With Nureva
January 2025: AV Technology magazine Thought Leadership with Nancy Knowlton - Nureva's 2025 Roadmap
January 9, 2025: ChannelLife India Nureva promotes Abbott & Rempel to senior roles
January 9, 2025: ChannelLife UK Nureva promotes Abbott & Rempel to senior roles
January 9, 2025: Security Brief UK Nureva promotes Abbott & Rempel to senior roles
January 9, 2025: Security Brief India Nureva promotes Abbott & Rempel to senior roles
January 8, 2025: The TechStreet Now Nureva Announces two Key Executive Promotions to drive growth and innovation
January 8, 2025: Telecom Reseller Nureva Announces two Key Executive Promotions to drive growth and innovation
January 8, 2025: Commercial Integrator Nureva Announces Key Executive Promotions for Growth Strategy
January 8, 2025: UC Advanced Nureva Announces Two Key Executive Appointments
January 8, 2025: Systems Integration Asia Industry Analyst Omdia Recognises Nureva’s HDL Pro Series as a Standout Solution for Larger Spaces
January 8, 2025: Notiulti Tecnología El analista de la industria Omdia reconoce la serie HDL pro de Nureva como una solución destacada para espacios más grandes
January 7, 2025: AV Magazine Omdia recommends Nureva for larger conferencing spaces
January 7, 2025: Gadget Innovations Industry Analyst Omdia Recognizes Nureva’s HDL Pro Series As A Standout Solution For Larger Spaces
January 2025: AV Technology magazine Thought Leadership with Nancy Knowlton - Nureva's 2025 Roadmap
January 6, 2025: AVNetwork SCN Hall of Fame 2025: David Martin
January 3, 2025: AVNetwork Pro AV Newsmakers: New Year, New People and Partnerships: Nureva Signs U.S. Distribution Agreement with Ingram Micro
January 2, 2025: DataDrivenInvestor (Medium) The Overlooked Key to Hybrid Meeting Success (Interview with Nancy Knowlton)
January 1, 2025: Patheos The Overlooked Key to Hybrid Meeting Success (Interview with Nancy Knowlton)
December 24, 2024: No Jitter 2024 Was a Year for Integration and Quiet Domination – For One Company
December 20, 2024: The ChannelPro Network Nureva signs new distribution agreement with Ingram Micro to meet growing demand for simplified large-room audio
December 18, 2024: UC Today Nureva To Distribute Audio Solutions Across US Via Ingram Micro
December 17, 2024: The TechStreet Now Nureva signs new distribution agreement with Ingram Micro to meet growing demand for simplified large-room audio
December 17, 2024: ChannelVision magazine Nureva Inks Distribution Agreement with Ingram Micro
December 17, 2024: Industry Analysts Nureva signs new distribution agreement with Ingram Micro to meet growing demand for simplified large-room audio
December 17, 2024: Telecom Reseller Nureva signs new distribution agreement with Ingram Micro to meet growing demand for simplified large-room audio
December 17, 2024: Gadget Innovations Nureva signs new distribution agreement with Ingram Micro to meet growing demand for simplified large-room audio
September 4, 2024: Yahoo!Tech 25 AI-Enabled AV Products (includes Nureva App)
September 3, 2024: Professional System Nureva führt App zur Einrichtung und Konfiguration ein
September 3, 2024: ProMediaNews Nureva führt App zur Einrichtung und Konfiguration ein
September 3, 2024: Digital AV magazine Nureva desarrolla un software para configurar los sistemas de la serie HDL Pro
September 3, 2024: CNET Japan 会議システム周辺機器メーカー、「INOGENI」と「Lumens」ブランド製品の国内取り扱いをオーディオブレインズが開始 (Syndicated story: includes mention of HDL410 system multi-camera switching integration with Inogeni)
August 21, 2024: rAVe [Pubs] Nureva appoints MadisonAV as a distributor in Australia
August 12, 2024: Yahoo!News Pro AV Newsmakers: Sony Joins PSNI Global Alliance and Kramer's Big Week (Includes Nureva integration with PTZOptics and Nureva's appointment of MadisonAV, distributor in Australia)
August 9, 2024: Installation magazine Ascentae signs distribution deal with PTZOptics for UKI. (Includes Nureva distribution)
August 9, 2024: Yahoo!Tech On AI & AV 2024: Nureva
August 9, 2024: Technology Reseller Ascentae Signs Distribution Agreement with PTZOptics to Expand Portfolio and Presence across the UKI Market (includes Nureva distribution)
August 8, 2024: IT World TEGRATECH реализовала проект в крупной угледобывающей компании (Customer story in Russia)
August 8, 2024: AV.Technology Nureva Appoints MadisonAV in Australia
August 7, 2024: CRN MadisonAV adds Nureva audio conferencing to its portfolio
August 7, 2024: Channel News Nureva Appoints MadisonAV as Distributor in Australia
August 7, 2024: Inavate APAC Nureva Appoints MadisonAV as a Distributor in Australia
July 19, 2024: Inavate APAC The Beyonders Centre, India - Office 2000 won the Experience Centre Project category of the Inavate APAC Awards 2024 with The Beyonders Centre, India project (includes Nureva audio)
July 19, 2024: Inavate APAC The Beyonders Centre, India - Office 2000 won the Experience Centre Project category of the Inavate APAC Awards 2024 with The Beyonders Centre, India project (includes Nureva audio)
July 9, 2024: Sono Magazine Packs visioconférence Televic (Nureva Zoom certification)
June 28, 2024: Giornali MAXHUB presenta partnership che rafforzano tutti gli aspetti della collaborazione intelligente alla London Tech Week e a Infocomm US
June 27, 2024: AV-Views Nureva’s HDL Pro Serie Zoom zertifiziert
June 26, 2024: AV Integracje Nureva HDL410 system audio do dużych przestrzeni i sal wykładowych
June 26, 2024: AV Magazine Nureva HDL audio systems certified for larger Zoom Rooms
June 26, 2024: AVNetwork Zoom Rooms Certified: Nureva’s HDL Pro Series
June 24, 2024: Let's Do Video InfoComm 2024 Wrap Up! Covering over 25 Companies!
June 14, 2024: Remote Work Solutions Nureva HDL Pro Series Audio Conferencing Systems Earn Zoom Rooms Certification
June 14, 2024: rAVe [Pubs] InfoComm 2024: Emily Dean Interviews Sony’s Rich Ventura About Its Partnerships
June 13, 2024: rAVe [Pubs] InfoComm 2024: Gary Kayye Takes a Deep Dive Into the Nureva Audio Ecosystem with Rob Abbott
June 13, 2024: rAVe [Pubs] InfoComm 2024: Nureva Demos HDL410 System for Audioconferencing with Camera Integration
June 13, 2024: rAVe [Pubs] InfoComm 2024: Nureva Explains Full Lineup of Audioconferencing Systems for Meeting Rooms
June 13, 2024: rAVe [Pubs] InfoComm 2024: Nureva Talks About Camera Zones Feature in HDL410 Audioconferencing System
June 13, 2024: rAVe [Pubs] InfoComm 2024: Nureva Introduces New App for Setup of Audioconferencing Solutions
June 13, 2024: UC Today Big UC News from Infocomm 2024
June 13, 2024: Digital AV Magazine Nureva logra la certificación de la serie HDL pro para grandes salas Zoom
June 13, 2024: UC Today MAXHUB at InfoComm (MAXHUB and Nureva partnered on two plug-and-play Microsoft Teams Rooms bundles for an inclusive, compelling meeting experience)
June 12, 2024: Telecom Reseller News Nureva’s HDL pro series audio conferencing systems now certified for Zoom Rooms
June 12, 2024: Industry Analysts Nureva’s HDL Pro Series Audio Conferencing Systems Now Certified for Zoom Rooms
June 12, 2024: rAVe [Pubs] Nureva Receives Zoom Certification for Its HDL310 and HDL410
June 12, 2024: Systems Integration Asia Dedicated Nureva Companion App for HDL Pro Series Audio Systems
June 12, 2024: TechnologyReseller Nureva’s HDL pro series audio conferencing systems now certified for Zoom Rooms
June 12, 2024: UC Today Nureva Unveils App Boosting Audio System Setup and Management
June 11, 2024: Telecom Reseller News Nureva announces companion app to its HDL pro series audio systems
June 11, 2024: International Teletimes Nureva announces companion app to its HDL pro series audio systems
June 7, 2024: UC Today New Q-SYS Technology Partners
June 7, 2024: MuyCanal MAXHUB potencia sus soluciones de teleconferencia con nuevas alianzas
May 30, 2024: ProMediaNews Vier neue Partner im Maxhub Partner Ecosystem
May 29, 2024: rAVe [Pubs] Nureva Appoints FVC to Handle the Middle East
May 29, 2024: PressNewsAgency Nureva Appoints FVC to Handle the Middle East
May 29, 2024: Installation With more than 20 years of experience, FVC will bring Nureva’s full suite of audio solutions to the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Jordan, Qatar and Bahrain markets
May 29, 2024: Inavate Nureva appoints FVC as Middle East distributor
May 29, 2024: BusinessPartner PBS Vier neue Partner: Maxhub Partner Ecosystem wächst weiter
May 28, 2024: rAVe [Pubs] Rants & rAVes — Episode 1344: Nureva Heads to InfoComm 2024 With 4 New Announcements; Watch This to Find Out More!
May 28, 2024: Remote Work Solutions Nureva appoints FVC to Grow Audio Conferencing Sales
May 28, 2024: ProAVL Central Nureva and FVC join forces in the Middle East
May 28, 2024: ProAVL MEA Nureva and FVC join forces in the Middle East
May 28, 2024: Office Dealzz 4 neue Partner im Maxhub-Partner-Ecosystem
May 27, 2024: ProSoundWeb InfoComm 2024 To Explore Pro AV For Enhancing Learning Spaces
May 27, 2024: DieReferenz Das MAXHUB Partner Ecosystem wächst
May 27, 2024: StageReport Nureva, Extron, Sennheiser und Inogeni sind Maxhub Partner
May 27, 2024: PressBox Vier neue Partner im MAXHUB Partner Ecosystem
May 23, 2024: rAVe [Pubs] Here’s How InfoComm 2024 Will Focus on Higher Ed
May 22, 2024: AVIXA InfoComm 2024 Will Explore Pro AV Solutions for Enhancing Learning Spaces
May 20, 2024: Inavate Dublin distributor to offer Nureva audio systems
May 17, 2024: UC Today Nureva Selects Videnda as its AV Distributor in Ireland
May 15, 2024: AVNation Nureva sponsors HETMA as Annual Platinum Partner
May 15, 2024: AV magazine Videnda to distribute Nureva’s audio solutions in Ireland
May 15, 2024: Essential Install Nureva appoints Videnda as an authorized distributor in Ireland
May 14, 2024: Technology Reseller UK Nureva appoints Videnda as an authorized distributor in Ireland
May 14, 2024: Telecom Reseller US Nureva appoints Videnda as an authorized distributor in Ireland
May 14, 2024: rAVe [Pubs] Nureva Adds Videnda in Ireland
May 2, 2024: AVNetwork/AV Technology 20 Products and Solutions that Facilitate Hybrid Collaboration in 2024: Part 1
May 2, 2024: Inkl 20 Products and Solutions that Facilitate Hybrid Collaboration in 2024: Part 1
April 30, 2024: UC Today Q-SYS Unveils VisionSuite Training To Upskill Workers In AV Collaboration
April 25, 2024: AVNetwork Nancy Knowlton on Hybrid Work 2024: Nureva
April 25, 2024: So huu tri tue & Singtao Nureva nhận 3 bằng sáng chế mới về công nghệ Microphone Mist
April 24, 2024: ChannelVision magazine Nureva Announces Sponsorship of HETMA as Annual Platinum Partner
April 24, 2024: Telecom Reseller Nureva Sponsors HETMA as Annual Platinum Partner
February 29, 2024: Channel Post MEA Nureva onboards Adam Bilişim as its Distributor in Türkiye
February 28, 2024: Inavate magazine Nureva appoints Adam Bilisim as Turkish distributor
February 28, 2024: Professional System magazine Wie funktioniert PTZ-Auto-Tracking? (discusses Microphone Mist technology and HDL300 system)
February 27, 2024: Pro AVL Central Nureva teams up with Adam Bilişim
February 27, 2024: Pro AVL MEA Nureva teams up with Adam Bilişim
February 27, 2024: rAVe [Pubs] Nureva Selects Adam Bilişim as Turkish Distributor
February 23, 2024: Inavate magazine Ascentae unveils smart workplace experience centre in central London (mentions Nureva HDL pro series recently certified for Microsoft Teams)
February 21, 2024: OEN magazine Ascentae unveils smart workplace experience centre (mentions Nureva HDL pro series recently certified for Microsoft Teams)
February 20, 2024: UC Today What has Q-SYS been up to recently? Last month, Nureva joined the Q-SYS Technology Partner Programme
February 20, 2024: rAVe UCC Sony, Nureva create large-room audio and video reference bundle
February 15, 2024: AVNation Nureva Reveals Audio Location & Camera Control Integration at ISE 2024
February 14, 2024: ZDNET Japan 東京学芸大と内田洋行が連携--未来型教室で得た教育ITの知見を全国へ (customer story includes Nureva HDL300 system)
February 9, 2024: TMCnet Business VOIP Technologies for Effective Remote Collaboration: Nureva Solution Now Integrates with PTZOptics Cameras
February 2024 issue: AV News magazine ISE Review: Show Floor Stars - Sony Electronics and Nureva announce partnership to enable simplified audio-based camera switching (p.10)
January-February 2024 issue: AV-ICN Expo magazine Top 50 Products & Global Pro Audiovisual Technology: Nureva HDL310 audio conferencing system (p.16)
January 31, 2024: BNN Breaking Sony and Nureva Team Up to Revolutionize Audio and Video Conferencing
January 31, 2024: UC Today MAXHUB partnered with Nureva to deliver Microsoft Teams Rooms bundles
January 31, 2024: AVIXA Xchange Laia's Innovative Technology at ISE: AI and IoT Empowering the AV Market
January 31, 2024: UCToday Sony and Nureva Partner on Audio-Visual Conferencing Solution
January 31, 2024: Techeconomy How Sony Electronics and Nureva Are Simplifying Audio-Based Camera Switching
January 31, 2024: UCToday Earlier this month, MAXHUB partnered with Nureva to deliver Microsoft Teams Rooms bundles
January 30, 2024: Techstrong AI Sony and Nureva Create Advanced Electronic Media System
January 30, 2024: AVNation Control Concepts Supported Product Program Expands with New Manufacturers and Products
January 30, 2024: AVNetwork Control Concepts Expands Supported Product Program
January 30, 2024: Commercial Integrator Control Concepts Expands Supported Product Program
January 30, 2024: ISE Daily Altogether now - Nureva is presenting and showcasing a number of new collaborations during ISE - Sony bundle, Q-Sys certified plugin and integration with PTZOptics
January 30, 2024: Yahoo!Life Control Concepts Expands Supported Product Program
January 30, 2024: Inkl Control Concepts Expands Supported Product Program
January 29, 2024: Systems Integration Asia Sony Electronics and Nureva Enable Simplified Audio-Based Camera Switching
January 29, 2024: TMCNet MAXHUB and Nureva Partner for Certified Microsoft Teams Rooms Bundles
January 29, 2024: Digital AV magazine Sony and Nureva develop an audio and video solution for large rooms
January 26, 2024: No Jitter No Jitter Roll: Microsoft Teams Enhances Meetings, Nureva Collaborates with Sony and PTZOptics, and Crestron Goes 1 Beyond
January 24, 2024: Review Central Middle East Nureva HDL410 audio system enables camera tracking with PTZOptics 4K cameras
January 24, 2024: Latest Nureva Integration Announced: The Nureva Inc HDL410 audio conferencing system now integrates with PTZOptics Move 4K and Link 4K cameras
January 23, 2024: AV Network Camera Tracking Engaged—Nureva Now Integrates with PTZOptics 4K Cameras
January 23, 2024: Fast and Wide Nureva joins Q-Sys Tech Partner Program
January 23, 2024: Inavate Nureva has announced that is HDL410 audio conferencing system now enables camera tracking with PTZOptics’ 4K cameras
January 23, 2024: Yahoo!Life Camera Tracking Engaged—Nureva Now Integrates with PTZOptics 4K Cameras
January 23, 2024: Inkl Camera Tracking Engaged—Nureva Now Integrates with PTZOptics 4K Cameras
January 23, 2024: CEOWorld magazine The Overlooked Key to Hybrid Meeting Success (Interview with Nancy Knowlton)
January 23, 2024: Digital AV Magazine MaxHub y Nureva se unen para ofrecer rendimiento AV profesional en las salas de reunión
January 22, 2024: rAVe UCC Product News MAXHUB, Nureva offer plug-and-play bundles certified for Microsoft Teams Rooms + Nureva joins Q-SYS Technology Partner Program
January 19, 2024: No Jitter No Jitter Roll: Microsoft Copilot Receives New Features, Cognigy Available in Azure Marketplace, and Nureva Collaborates with MAXHUB
January 19, 2024: HR Daily Advisor The Overlooked Key to Hybrid Meeting Success (Interview with Nancy Knowlton)
January 19, 2024: Channel Daily News Nureva joins Q-SYS Technology Partner Program
January 19, 2024: Recruiting Headlines The Overlooked Key to Hybrid Meeting Success (Interview with Nancy Knowlton)
January 19, 2024: Systems Integration Asia MAXHUB and Nureva Team up to Offer Certified Bundles for Large Microsoft Teams Rooms
January 19, 2024: 实时互动网 MAXHUB 与 Nureva 合作开发 Microsoft Teams Rooms 套餐
January 16, 2024: rAVe [Pubs] Nureva joins Q-SYS Technology Partner Program
January 16, 2024: Inavate Nureva joins Q-SYS Technology Partner Program
January 16, 2024: Channel Info Nureva joins Q-SYS Technology Partner Program
January 16, 2024: Telecom Reseller Nureva joins Q-SYS Technology Partner Program
January 12, 2024: Fast Company The numbers are in: Companies with flexible work policies are outperforming competitors
January 4, 2024: UC Today What’s New in Microsoft Teams? December 2023 Round-up (Nureva HDL410 system certified for Microsoft Teams)
January 4, 2024: WindowsBlogItalia Le novità di Microsoft Teams nell’aggiornamento di dicembre 2023
January 2024 issue: AV Technology magazine Nureva HDL410 audio conferencing system camera zones feature (p.48)
January 2024 issue: AV Technology magazine Nancy Knowlton shares Nureva's plans at ISE 2024 (p.14)
January 1, 2024: AVNetwork SCN Hall of Fame 2024: Nancy Knowlton
January 1, 2024: SCN Hall of Fame 2024: Nancy Knowlton
January 1, 2024: Inkl SCN Hall of Fame 2024: Nancy Knowlton
December 27, 2023: Digital AV magazine Wolverine se sumerge en la tecnología AV de la mano de Pioneer Group
December 27, 2023: ES Euro Wolverine se lance dans la technologie audiovisuelle avec Pioneer
December 14, 2023: Morningstar Campus Technology and THE Journal 2023 New Product Award Winners Announced (Syndicated to 175 media outlets)
December 5, 2023: AudioXpress Advanced Audio Conferencing Solutions from Nureva Certified by Microsoft
December 5, 2023: CyberFeed Zaawansowane rozwiązania do konferencji audio firmy Nureva z certyfikatem Microsoft
December 3, 2023: rAVe [Pubs] Nureva’s HDL410 now certified for Microsoft Teams
December 1, 2023: No Jitter No Jitter Roll: An Observability Platform for Contact Centers, a Teams-Certified Speaker Bar and a Contact Center Automation Solution
December 1, 2023: Systems Integration Asia Nureva’s HDL410 audio system now certified for Microsoft Teams
December 1, 2023: My Startup World Nureva’s HDL410 audio system certified for Microsoft Teams
December 1, 2023: Review Central Nureva’s HDL410 audio system certified for Microsoft Teams
November 30, 2023: AV magazine Nureva achieves ‘first’ extra-large Teams Room certification
November 30, 2023: ChannelInfo Nureva’s HDL410 audio system now certified for Microsoft Teams
November 29, 2023: AVNation Nureva HDL410 system named a 2024 Inavation Awards finalist
November 29, 2023: Industry Analysts Nureva's HDL410 System Now Certified for Microsoft Teams
November 29, 2023: Telecom Reseller Nureva's HDL410 System Now Certified for Microsoft Teams
November 29, 2023: Commercial Integrator Nureva HDL410 System Is Now Certified for Microsoft Teams
November 29, 2023: Remote Work Solutions Nureva’s HDL410 Audio System Gets Microsoft Teams Certification
November 29, 2023: Inavate magazine Nureva’s HDL410 receives Microsoft Teams certification
November 29, 2023: Digital AV magazine Ditec Comunicaciones realiza la integración AV en Technip Energies Iberia
November 23, 2023: Inavate magazine Nvincy and Nureva elevate videoconferencing | Nureva product showcase | InfoComm India 2023
November 22, 2023: InfoCity R.I.S.K. и Gulfstream Distribution организовали в Баку масштабный AV-форум
October 10, 2023: Film TV Video Intelligentes Multikamera-Videoconferencing für größere Räume und Gruppen
October 9, 2023: TMCnet BusinessVoip Nureva Introduces Multi-Camera Control in Spacious Setting
October 7, 2023: MMS KITA News Poly and Nureva make big hybrid conference rooms work at Zoomtopia (Syndicated article)
October 6, 2023: rAVe [Pubs] Zoomtopia 2023: Nureva Showcases HDL310 Speaker Bar With Second-Generation Microphone Mist Tech
October 6, 2023: Computerworld Poly and Nureva make big hybrid conference rooms work at Zoomtopia (Syndicated article)
October 6, 2023: TGDaily Poly and Nureva make big hybrid conference rooms work at Zoomtopia (Syndicated article)
October 6, 2023: Tech Register Poly and Nureva make big hybrid conference rooms work at Zoomtopia
October 6, 2023: Tech-Wire Poly and Nureva make big hybrid conference rooms work at Zoomtopia
October 6, 2023: GIXTools Poly and Nureva make big hybrid conference rooms work at Zoomtopia
October 6, 2023: Tech Switch Poly and Nureva make big hybrid conference rooms work at Zoomtopia
October 6, 2023: No Jitter No Jitter Roll: Nureva Enables Multi-Camera Switching
October 6, 2023: Poly and Nureva make big hybrid conference rooms work at Zoomtopia
October 6, 2023: Pagegoo Poly and Nureva make big hybrid conference rooms work at Zoomtopia
October 5, 2023: AV magazine Nureva aids multi-camera switching in ‘XL’ hybrid spaces
October 5, 2023: Systems Integration Asia Nureva Enables Easy Multi-camera Switching in Larger Spaces with New Camera Zones Feature
October 5, 2023: Digital AV magazine Nureva facilita el cambio multicámara en espacios grandes para HDL410
October 3, 2023: Remote Work Solutions Nureva Enables Easy Multi-camera Switching in Larger Spaces
October 3, 2023: CE Pro Nureva HDL410 Integrates with INOGENI CAM230
October 3, 2023: Channel Info Nureva introduces new camera zones feature
October 3, 2023: Telecom Reseller Nureva Enables Easy Multi-Camera Switching in Larger Spaces with New Camera Zones Feature
October 3, 2023: Industry Analysts Nureva Enables Easy Multi-Camera Switching in Larger Spaces with New Camera Zones Feature
September 29, 2023: Connected Design Nureva Audio Systems Certified for Barco ClickShare
September 27, 2023: Industrial Automation AVer announces new additions to its Nureva collaboration product line
September 21, 2023: rAVe [Pubs] E4 Experience: Nureva Talks About HDL310 and HDL410 Audio Conferencing Solution
September 21, 2023: AV Nation Nureva’s Next-Gen Audio Systems Certified for Barco ClickShare
September 21, 2023: AVNetwork On Next-Gen Audio: 15 Thought Leaders
September 19, 2023: Systems Integration Asia Nureva’s Next-Gen Audio Systems Certified for Barco ClickShare
September 18, 2023: AV Technology On Next-Gen Audio: Nureva (Nancy Knowlton)
September 18, 2023: Notiulti Sobre audio de próxima generación: Nureva | Red AV
September 15, 2023: rAVe [Pubs] Nureva’s HDL310, HDL410 Audio Conferencing Systems Now Certified for Barco ClickShare Wireless Presentation and Conferencing Devices
September 14, 2023: Channel Post Nureva’s next-gen audio systems certified by Barco ClickShare
September 14, 2023: Review Central Nureva’s next-gen audio systems now certified for Barco ClickShare
September 14, 2023: My Startup World Nureva’s next-gen audio systems now certified for Barco ClickShare
September 14, 2023: Technology Reseller Nureva’s next-gen audio systems certified for Barco ClickShare
September 14, 2023: Installation International Nureva’s next-gen audio systems certified for Barco ClickShare
September 13, 2023: AV Technology 21 New Audio Products for Meeting Spaces and Classroom Collaboration
September 13, 2023: Mondo DR Nureva’s next-gen audio systems certified for Barco ClickShare
September 12, 2023: AV Network Nureva’s Next-Gen Audio Systems Certified for Barco ClickShare
September 12, 2023: AV-Views Nureva Audiosysteme zertifiziert für Barco ClickShare
September 12, 2023: Industry Analysts Nureva’s Next-Gen Audio Systems Certified for Barco ClickShare
September 12, 2023: ProAVL Central Nureva certified for Barco ClickShare
September 12, 2023: ProAVL Asia Nureva certified for Barco ClickShare
September 12, 2023: ProAVL MEA Nureva certified for Barco ClickShare
September 7, 2023: AVNation AVer Collaborates with Nureva for Meeting Bundle
September 7, 2023: Happening Next Ascentae Academy - Nureva Audio - In Person
August 29, 2023: Stage Report Nureva HDL410 nominated at the AV Awards
June 7, 2023: AV-IQ Sony Electronics to Highlight Advanced Solutions for Professional Customers in Vertical Markets at InfoComm 2023 (syndicated to 110 media outlets)
April 5, 2023: AV Magazine, Nureva system awarded information security certification
April 5, 2023: AIThority, Nureva Achieves ISO/IEC 27001 Certification
April 4, 2023: Intelligent CIO, Nureva achieves ISO/IEC 27001 certification for its information security management system
April 4, 2023: rAVe [Pubs], Nureva ISMS Receives ISO/IEC 27001:2013 Certification for Information Security Management
April 4, 2023: CIO Influence, Nureva Achieves ISO/IEC 27001 Certification for its Information Security Management System
April 3, 2023: Digital AV magazine, Nureva HDL310: audioconfencia profesional para salas de reuniones y aulas medianas
April 2, 2023: Professional System, Nureva will mit HDL310 Audio in mittelgroßen Meeting- und Trainingsräumen auf eine neue Ebene bringen
April 2, 2023: ProMediaNews, Nureva will mit HDL310 Audio in mittelgroßen Meeting- und Trainingsräumen auf eine neue Ebene bringen
March-April, 2023: Palm Expo + AV-ICN, AV Tech News: Nureva announces HDL310 audio conferencing system
March 30, 2023: Cyber Feed, Systemy Nureva HDL310 rozszerzają zaawansowane przetwarzanie i zasięg w średniej wielkości salach konferencyjnych i klasach
March 30, 2023: AVNetwork, 2023 Roadmaps for 39 Leading AV/IT Manufacturers
March 29, 2023: audioXpress, Nureva HDL310 Systems Expands Advanced Processing and Coverage For Mid-Size Meeting Rooms and Classrooms
March 29, 2023: Recon Research, Nureva HDL310 to offer next-level audio for mid-size spaces
March 29, 2023: Audio160, 乘胜追击,Nureva HDL310为中型空间带来更高级别的音频体验
March 29, 2023: Inavate APAC, Nureva distributor Nvincy, and Logitech announced partnership to develop collaborative, easy-to-manage solutions that are certified for Microsoft Teams
March 29, 2023: Technology Record, Nureva launches new audio-conferencing system for meeting rooms and classrooms
March 28, 2023: Technology Reseller, Nureva HDL310 to offer next-level audio for mid-size meeting rooms
March 28, 2023: Connessioni, Nureva HDL310 offre un audio di livello superiore
March 28, 2023: rAVe [Pubs], Nureva’s New HDL310 System Will Ship in May 2023
March 28, 2023: AVNetwork, The Nureva HDL310—Pro AV Performance in an IT-Friendly Solution
March 28, 2023: MyTechDecisions, Nureva Adds HDL310 Sound Bar for Mid-Size Spaces
March 28, 2023: Commercial Integrator, Nureva HDL310 to Offer Enhanced Audio for Mid-Size Spaces
March 28, 2023: Office Equipment News, Nureva HDL310 to benefit mid-size meeting rooms and classrooms
February 15, 2023: PJTime, Brand alliance | Lumens PTZ camera combined with Nureva sound source tracking data, making the tracking function achieve a new breakthrough!
February 10, 2023: My Tech Decisions, Top New Technology (TNT) 2023 Winners Announced at ISE
February 10, 2023: Digital AV magazine, Nureva aporta su tecnología Microphone Mist a las cámaras PTZ de Lumens
February 10, 2023: Audio160, Nureva's unique real-time echo cancellation function brings you a pure sound experience!
February 10, 2023: 手机凯迪网, Nureva声源跟踪数据助力Lumens PTZ摄像机的追踪功能到达新高度!
February 4, 2023: AVNation, Nureva sound location data enable next-level tracking for Lumens PTZ cameras
February 3, 2023: CEPro, 2023 Top New Technology (TNT) Awards Announced at ISE
February 3, 2023: Audio160, Nureva声源跟踪数据助力Lumens PTZ摄像机的追踪功能到达新高度!
February 2, 2023: SonoVision, ISE 2023 : Le système d’audioconférence HDL410 de Nureva remporte le prix Top New Technology
February 2, 2023: Systems Integration Asia, ISE 2023: Nureva HDL410 Uses Next-generation Microphone Mist Technology to Revolutionize Audio for Large Spaces
February 2, 2023: Channel Info, Nureva HDL410 wins Top New Technology Award at ISE 2023
February 2, 2023: AVNetwork, How Nureva Enables Next-Level Tracking for Lumens PTZ Cameras
February 1, 2023: ISE Show Daily, ISE 2023 Stand Design Awards Finalists Announced
February 1, 2023: rAVe [Pubs], ISE 2023: Nureva Talks About Coverage Map Feature in Console Platform for Audio Conferencing
February 1, 2023: Industry Analysts, Nureva HDL410 Audio System Wins Top New Technology Award at ISE 2023
February 1, 2023: AVNetwork, Winners Announced: Best of Show at Integrated Systems Europe 2023 for AV Technology
February 1, 2023: Telecom Reseller, Nureva HDL410 audio system wins Top New Technology Award at ISE 2023
January 11, 2023: rAVe [Pubs], Rants & rAVes — Episode 1194: Here’s What Nureva Has Planned for ISE 2023
January 11, 2023: AV Magazine, Nureva and Extron integration simplifies speaker tracking
January 10, 2023: Recon Research, Nureva integrates with Extron to enable sound location camera tracking
January 10, 2023: Commerical Integrator, Nureva’s Audioconferencing Systems Integrates with Extron to Enable Sound-Location Tracking
January 10, 2023: Tahawultech, Nureva integrates with Extron to enable sound location tracking
January 10, 2023: rAVe [Pubs], Nureva’s HDL300 and Dual HDL300 Audio Conferencing Systems Now Integrate With Extron Control and Automation Solutions
January 10, 2023: My TechDecisions, Audioconferencing Systems from Nureva Now Integrates with Extron
January 10, 2023: AVNetwork, Nureva, Extron Enables Enhanced Tracking Performance—How It Works
January 10, 2023: Industry Analysts, Nureva Integrates with Extron to Enable Sound Location Tracking
January 9, 2023: AV News, ISE 2023 “must see” exhibits
January 3, 2023: Digital AV magazine, AVer incorpora la tecnología de seguimiento de Nureva a sus cámaras ProAV
January 1, 2023: rAVe [Pubs], 23 Things AV Manufacturers Have Planned For 2023
January 1, 2023: Hopify, 23 Things AV Manufacturers Have Planned For 2023
January issue 2023: AV Technology magazine, Technology managers guide to company roadmaps and AV/IT technologies - Nureva HDL410 audio conferencing system
January issue 2023: AV Technology magazine, Technology managers guide to company roadmaps and AV/IT technologies - Nancy Knowlton's Thought Leadership
October 20, 2022: Invidis, Nureva zeigt Audio für große Räume
October 20, 2022: My Tech Decisions, Nureva Unveils HDL410 Audio Conferencing System for Large Hybrid Spaces
October 19, 2022: Trend Radar, How Nureva, AVer Collaborated to Elevate Hybrid Meeting and Learning Experiences
October 19, 2022: Commercial Integrator, Nureva Introduces HDL410 Audio Conferencing System for Large Hybrid Spaces
October 19, 2022: rAVe [Pubs], rAVe [TV] Episode 80 — NC State Fair Chronicles, Rob Abbott of Nureva Introduces HDL410 and a Pit Stop at the Legrand AV Roadshow
October 19, 2022: AVNation, Nureva HDL410 Uses Next-Generation Microphone Mist Technology to Revolutionize Audio for Large Spaces
October 19, 2022: rAVe [Pubs], Nureva Announces HDL410, Its First Audio Conferencing System for Larger Spaces
October 19, 2022: Times of National, Nureva Microphones brings Mist audio technology to bigger spaces
October 19, 2022: Commercial Integrator, Exertis Almo Concludes 2022 E4 Experience in Boston….And It’s Going to be BIG
October 19, 2022: Digital AV magazine, Nureva lleva la tecnología de audio Microphone Mist a grandes espacios
October 19, 2022: rAVe [Pubs], Exertis Almo’s E4 Experience Boston Features First Double Showroom
October 18, 2022: Recon Research, New HDL410 revolutionizes audio in large spaces
October 18, 2022: AV Magazine, Nureva adds audio conferencing solution for larger spaces
October 18, 2022: Telecom Reseller, Nureva HDL410 uses next-generation Microphone Mist technology to revolutionize audio for large spaces
October 18, 2022: Recon Research, New HDL410 revolutionizes audio in large spaces
October 18, 2022: Zephyrnet Portugal, Nureva adiciona solução de audioconferência para espaços maiores
October 18, 2022: Zephyrnet USA, Nureva adds audio conferencing solution for larger spaces
October 18, 2022: Zephyrnet Vietnam, Nureva bổ sung giải pháp hội nghị âm thanh cho không gian lớn hơn
October 18, 2022: Inavate, Nureva launches HDL410 audio conferencing system
October 17, 2022: AVNetwork, How Nureva, AVer Collaborated to Elevate Hybrid Meeting and Learning Experiences
October 17, 2022: TMCNet, Nureva & AVer Partner to Combine Voice & Camera Tracking Capabilities
October 17, 2022: Yahoo!Life, How Nureva, AVer Collaborated to Elevate Hybrid Meeting and Learning Experiences
October 17, 2022: Invidis, Audiosystem für besseres PTZ-Kameratracking
October 16, 2022: NPR News, Brooks: Corporate Executives Celebrated at Hall of Fame Dinner and Induction Ceremony(Nancy Knowlton)
October 16, 2022: Newsposl, Brooks: Corporate Executives Celebrated at Hall of Fame Dinner and Induction Ceremony(Nancy Knowlton)
October 16, 2022: iPress, Brooks: Corporate Executives Celebrated at Hall of Fame Dinner and Induction Ceremony(Nancy Knowlton)
October 16, 2022: From Calgary Herald Headline News, Brooks: Corporate Executives Celebrated at Hall of Fame Dinner and Induction Ceremony(Nancy Knowlton)
October 16, 2022: The Lite News, Brooks: Corporate Executives Celebrated at Hall of Fame Dinner and Induction Ceremony(Nancy Knowlton)
October 16, 2022: Head Topics Canada, Brooks: Business leaders lauded at Hall of Fame dinner and induction ceremony (Nancy Knowlton)
October 16, 2022: Global Life Spot, Brooks: Business leaders lauded at Hall of Fame dinner and induction ceremony (Nancy Knowlton)
October 15, 2022: Calgary Herald, Brooks: Business leaders lauded at Hall of Fame dinner and induction ceremony
October 13, 2022: AiThority, Daily AI Roundup: Biggest Machine Learning, Robotic And Automation Updates 13th October (Nureva Sound Location API)
October 12, 2022: Recon Research, Nureva sound location data enable tracking for AVer Pro AV cameras
October 12, 2022: Inavate, Nureva adds sound location data to Aver cameras for hybrid working environments
October 12, 2022: AiThority, Nureva Sound Location Data Enable Tracking For Aver Pro AV Cameras
October 11, 2022: AV magazine, Nureva audio location data allows tracking for AVer cameras
October 11, 2022: Telecom Reseller, Nureva sound location data enable tracking for AVer Pro AV cameras
October 11, 2022: rAVe [Pubs], Nureva Inc HDL300 Now Integrates With AVer AI Auto Tracking Cameras
October 11, 2022: Industry Analysts, Nureva Sound Location Data Enable Tracking for AVer Pro AV Cameras
October 10, 2022: rAVe [Pubs], Nureva Announces Camera Tracking With Sound Location Data for Third-Party Camera Integrations
October 5, 2022: AVNation, Nureva to Participate in EDUCAUSE 2022 With Worldwide Debut of Next-Generation Audio Product
October 5, 2022: CBC Sports, Canada's Sports Hall of Fame encourages youth athletes to get out and play (refers to Nancy Knowlton basketball years)
October 5, 2022: Digital AV magazine, Nureva admite el seguimiento de cámaras de terceros con una API de audio
October 5, 2022: RunTech, How edtech can improve your students learning experience
October 4, 2022: GXStocks, Nureva Will Debut Newest Audio Product for Education at EDUCAUSE 2022 – rAVe [PUBS]
October issue: AVNews, Nureva audio API supports camera tracking
September 29, 2022: rAVe [Pubs], The Washington, DC E4 Experience Might Well Have Been the Best-Ever
October 3, 2022: RunTech, How edtech can improve your students learning experience
September 28, 2022: rAVe [Pubs], Exertis Almo’s E4 Experience D.C. Unveils Showroom Filled with AV Industry’s Newest Products
September 26, 2022: rAVe [Video], E4 Experience: Nureva Shows Nureva XT, a Solution with HDL 300 and Integrated Camera for Classrooms
September 22, 2022: it-Karriar, Nureva HDL300 – framtidens ljudlösning för digitala möten
September 21, 2022: Sound & Video Contractor, Exertis Almo’s E4 Experience D.C. unveils showroom filled with AV industry’s newest products
September 20, 2022: rAVe [Pubs], Here Is a List of Some Products You’ll See at Exertis Almo’s Fall 2022 E4 Shows
March issue: AVNews, Nureva audio now integrates with Crestron
March issue: AVNews, Nureva XT available to order globally
February 28, 2022: Commercial Integrator, Almo Professional A/V will hold its single-day E4 event in Anaheim, Calif. with a stacked speaker lineup and growing exhibitor list
February 28, 2022: Connected Design, Almo Professional A/V’s E4 Experience Heads West
February 22, 2022: AV magazine, Inside the boardroom at the Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo
February 22, 2022: GlobeNewswire, U.S. audio device market to represent a considerable revenue share in North America (Crestron/Nureva integration)
February 22, 2022: IQ Stock Market, U.S. audio device market to represent a considerable revenue share in North America (Crestron/Nureva integration)
February 22, 2022: Global Financial Intelligence, U.S. audio device market to represent a considerable revenue share in North America (Crestron/Nureva integration)
February 19, 2022: AVNation, Nureva XT Now Available to Order Globally
February 17, 2022: rAVe [Pubs], Nureva Inc. Introduced Nureva XT To Be Ordered Globally
February 17, 2022: AV Magazine, Nureva audio integrated with Crestron control systems
February 16, 2022: BCStrategies, Nureva XT now available to order globally
February 16, 2022: EdTech Digest, Nureva XT Classroom Solutions
February 16, 2022: Technology Record, Nureva launches new education-focused conferencing solution
February 16, 2022: Inavate, Nureva releases XT integrated system for hybrid classrooms
February 16, 2022: Integration Mag, Intermark Sistemi distribuisce Nureva
February 16, 2022: Remote Work Solutions, Nureva’s Multimedia Remote Solution Available Globally
February 15, 2022: AV magazine, Nureva audio integrated with Crestron control systems
February 15, 2022: FE News, Nureva XT for hybrid classrooms available to order globally
February 15, 2022: AiThority, Nureva XT Now Available to Order Globally as Integrated Solution for Hybrid and HyFlex Classrooms
November 24, 2021: Installation Magazine, Classroom audio makes headline news in North Carolina
November 23, 2021: AV Magazine, Nureva XT hybrid classroom solution to debut at ISE 2022
November 22, 2021: AiThority, Nureva To Participate In ISE 2022 With New Audio And Video Solutions For Hybrid And Hyflex Environments
November 22, 2021: Dagens industri, Så jobbar du smartare – lösningen för att få mer gjort i möten
November 22, 2021: Dagens industri, Mötestrender: Demokratiska möten – alla ska kunna delta på samma villkor
November 19, 2021: Recon Research, Nureva to participate in ISE 2022
November 18, 2021: UC Today, A Revolution in Easy Audio Conferencing
November 17, 2021: AVNetwork, Nureva XT Classroom Solution Set for Worldwide Debut
November 17, 2021: AVNetwork, Nureva Returns to ISE Showcasing Nureva XT Classroom Solution
November 16, 2021: Telecom Reseller, Nureva to participate in ISE 2022 with new audio and video solutions for hybrid and HyFlex environments
November 16, 2021: Inavate magazine, Nureva to highlight hybrid audio and video systems at ISE 2022
November 16, 2021: rAVe [Europe], Nureva Inc To Present Worldwide Debut of Nureva XT at ISE 2022
November 16, 2021: Managed IT, Nureva to participate in ISE 2022 with new audio and video solutions for hybrid and HyFlex environments
November 16, 2021: IT Technology Series, Nureva to Showcase New Audio and Video Solutions for Hybrid and HyFlex Environments
October 29, 2021: Digital AV Magazine, La Escuela de Periodismo de la UNC estandariza Nureva para el sonido en el aula
October 29, 2021: eCampus News, UNC Journalism School Standardizes on Nureva for Classroom Audio
October 27, 2021: Aithority, UNC Journalism School Standardizes on Nureva for Classroom Audio
October 27, 2021: rAVe [Europe], Nureva Products Enhance Audio and Hybrid Learning at University of North Carolina Hussmann School of Journalism and Media
October 11, 2021: Sono Magazine, AMPLIFICATION VOCALE, NUREVA HDL300 ET DUAL HDL300
October 4, 2021: IT News, איך לבחור את החומרה הנכונה לשימוש בזום
October 3, 2021: ProMedia News, Nureva Audiokonferenzsysteme im Portfolio von Kern & Stelly
September 30, 2021: SonoVision, Tim Root : nouveau vice-président stratégique de Nureva
September 28, 2021: inVidis, Raumgreifende Stimme mit Headset
September 28, 2021: AV-Views, Nureva HDL-Audiokonferenzlösungen
June 29, 2021: AiThority, Nureva Joins the Logitech Collaboration Program
June 29, 2021: Recon Research, Nureva Joins the Logitech Collaboration Program
June 29, 2021: Telecom Reseller, Nureva Joins the Logitech Collaboration Program
June 29, 2021: CE Pro, Nureva Joins the Logitech Collaboration Program
June 29, 2021: World Expose 24, Nureva Joins the Logitech Collaboration Program
June 29, 2021: Boston HiTech, Nureva Joins the Logitech Collaboration Program
June 29, 2021: Sales Tech Star, Nureva Joins the Logitech Collaboration Program
June 29, 2021: College Mahiti, नुरेवा लॉजिटेक सहयोग कार्यक्रम में शामिल हुई
June 29, 2021: Manee, Nureva se une al programa de colaboración de Logitech
June 29, 2021: The Central Area, Nureva Joins the Logitech Collaboration Program
June 29, 2021: Crazy Boy Tech, Nureva Joins the Logitech Collaboration Program
June 29, 2021: AV Network, Nureva Bolsters HDL300 With Voice Amplification
June 29, 2021: Digital AV magazine, Nureva añade amplificación de voz a sus sistemas de audioconferencia
June 25, 2021: Commercial Integrator, AV News to Know - In this week’s edition: new testing tools, conference room displays, voice amplification, National Park Service AV upgrades, and more
June 24, 2021: AiThority, Nureva Appoints Hika as Its Direct Reseller In Malaysia
June 24, 2021: The Central Area, Nureva adds Voice Amplification Mode to audio systems for K–12 classrooms
June 24, 2021: Crazy Boy Tech, Nureva adds Voice Amplification Mode to audio systems for K–12 classrooms
June 23, 2021: eSchool News, Nureva adds Voice Amplification Mode to audio systems for K–12 classrooms
June 23, 2021: AV Magazine, Nureva adds voice amplification mode to audio systems
June 23, 2021: UC Today, Team Collaboration Round Table - Industry experts from Avaya, Mitel, Workplace from Facebook, Nureva and RingCentral discuss team collaboration’s evolution
June 23, 2021: Manee, Nureva agrega el modo de amplificación de voz a los sistemas de audio para clases de jardín de infantes a grado 12
June 23, 2021: Telecom Reseller, Nureva appoints HIKA as its direct reseller in Malaysia
June 22, 2021: Recon Research, Nureva adds Voice Amplification Mode to audio systems for classroom, training and meeting spaces
June 22, 2021: Telecom Reseller, Nureva adds Voice Amplification Mode to audio systems for classroom, training and meeting spaces
June 22, 2021: rAVe [Pubs] Press Releases, Nureva Audio Now Supports Simultaneous In-room Voice Amplification and Full-room Pickup in Hybrid Spaces
June 22, 2021: Inavate, Nureva adds Voice Amplification Mode to audio systems
June 22, 2021: AiThority, Nureva adds Voice Amplification Mode to audio systems for classroom, training and meeting spaces
June 22, 2021: HR Tech Series, Nureva adds Voice Amplification Mode to audio systems for classroom, training and meeting spaces
June 22, 2021: AVNation, Nureva adds Voice Amplification Mode to audio systems for classroom, training and meeting spaces
June 22, 2021: audioXpress, Nureva Improves Audio Conferencing Systems with New Voice Amplification Mode
June 16, 2021: IT-Business, Nureva and Kern & Stelly cooperate
June 16, 2021: Sales Tech Series, Nureva Appoints Kern & Stelly as its German distributor
June 16, 2021: Pro Media News, Nureva benennt Kern & Stelly als distributor fuer deutschland
June 16, 2021: AiThority, Nureva Appoints Kern & Stelly as Its German Distributor
June 14, 2021: UC Today, Figuring Out Your Collaboration Room Needs
June 4, 2021: UC Today, Achieving Top-Quality Audio in Hybrid Work
June 3, 2021: Tech & Learning, Nancy Knowlton Turns Focus to Classroom Audio
June 2, 2021: audioXpress, Loudspeaker Industry Sourcebook 2021 Now Available Online!
May 18, 2021: AV Network, Almo to Distribute Nureva Conferencing Products in U.S.
May 14, 2021: Commercial Integrator - AV+ Podcast, In this episode of AV+ for May 14, 2021, we discuss language processing in meeting spaces, Nureva and Almo, Zoom Rooms, Teams, and more
January 26, 2021: Digitalmunition, Nureva erhält Global Technology Innovation Leadership Award 2020 von Frost & Sullivan
January 26, 2021: TorchSec, Nureva erhält Global Technology Innovation Leadership Award 2020 von Frost & Sullivan
January 26, 2021: OpenPR, Nureva erhält Global Technology Innovation Leadership Award 2020 von Frost & Sullivan
January 22, 2021: UC Today, Nureva HDL300 Earns Microsoft Teams Certification
January 21, 2021: IT-Retail, Nureva HDL300 första ljudlösning för större mötesrum att bli Microsoft Teams-certifierad
January 21, 2021: Mayoristas Informatica, Nureva HDL300 ha sido certificado como dispositivo Microsoft Teams Room
January 15, 2021: No Jitter, The latest updates from Pexip, BlueJeans by Verizon, Workplace from Facebook, Logitech, Nureva, ClearOne, Vyopta, Stack8, Avaya, and Clarabridge.
January 15, 2021: AV News, Nureva solutions now certified for ClickShare Conference
January 14, 2021: Digital AV magazine, Nureva HDL300 obtiene la certificación como dispositivo Microsoft Teams Rooms
January 13, 2021: Hi-Fi News Italia, numero di febbraio 2021 di audioXpress
January 13, 2021: Inavate, Nureva HDL300 now certified for Microsoft Teams
January 13, 2021: AV Magazine, Nureva earns large Teams Rooms certification first
January 22, 2020: Digital AV magazine, Nureva desarrolla una plataforma cloud para gestionar en remoto sus sistemas de audioconferencia
January 22, 2020: Telecom Reseller, Nureva expands distribution into Israel with Naotech
January 21, 2020: IT-Retail, Med nya HDL200 levererar Nureva det perfekta ljudet till mindre konferensrum
January 20, 2020: AVNetwork, Nureva Debuts Nureva Console Management Platform
January 19, 2020: Erie News Now, Nureva granted new patent for embedding additional information in a sound mask noise signal
January 18, 2020: Regional Action Journal, Global market report 2019 audio conference system, competitive landscape, trends and opportunities
January 17, 2020: eSP Europe, Cloud-Based Product Management With Nureva Console
January 17, 2020: rAVe BlogSquad, Your Princess Is in Another Castle
January 17, 2020: AVNation, Nureva granted new patent for Microphone Mist technology platform
January 17, 2020: Thomasnet, Nureva Granted New Patent for Embedding Additional Information in a Sound Mask Noise Signal
January 17, 2020: No Jitter Roll, A look at the latest product news coming from LogMeIn, Ribbon, Peerless Network, Nureva, IPI, and Aculab, and recent executive appointments from RingCentral, Avaya, and 8x8.
January 17, 2020: Cerebral Overload, Nureva brings advanced audio conferencing into small spaces with new HDL200 system
January 16, 2020: AVNation, Nureva releases Nureva Console to manage their audio conferencing systems
January 16, 2020: AVNetwork, Nureva Granted a Fourth Patent for its Microphone Mist Technology
January 16, 2020: IT-Business, Nureva bringt Cloud-Plattform auf den Markt
January 16, 2020: rAVe [Publications], Nureva Received Fourth Patent for Microphone Mist Technology
January 16, 2020: Telecom Reseller, Nureva granted new patent for embedding additional information in a sound mask noise signal
January 16, 2020: Lubbock The CW 22, Nureva granted new patent for embedding additional information in a sound mask noise signal
January 15, 2020: audioXpress, Nureva Introduces New HDL200 System for Advanced Audio Conferencing in Small Spaces
January 15, 2020: rAVe [Publications], Nureva Intros Console, a Cloud-Based Product Management Platform, Adds Mac Support
January 15, 2020: AV magazine, Smaller meetings targeted by Nureva audio launch
January 15, 2020: DigitalAV magazine, Nureva HDL200: audioconferencia avanzada para espacios pequeños
January 15, 2020: Telekomidag, Nurevas nya system riktas mot mindre mötesrum
January 14, 2020: Commercial Integrator, Nureva brings 'advanced audio conferencing into small spaces' with new HDL200 system
January 14, 2020: AVNation, Nureva debuts HDL200 system for audio conferencing in small spaces
January 14, 2020: Telecom Reseller, Nureva brings advanced audio conferencing into small spaces with new HDL200 system
January 14, 2020: Telecom Reseller, Nureva™ Console supports broadscale deployment of Nureva audio systems
January 14, 2020:, Nureva brings advanced audio conferencing into small spaces with new HDL200 system
January 14, 2020: Unified Communications, Nureva brings advanced audio conferencing into small spaces with new HDL200 system
January 14, 2020: rAVe [publications], Nureva Enters Small and Medium-Sized UCC Space with New HDL200
January 14, 2020: rAVe [publications], Nureva brings advanced audio conferencing into small spaces with new HDL200 system
January 14, 2020: rAVe Video, Gary Kayye Debuts Nureva HDL200 Product LIVE on LinkedIn
January 14, 2020: rAVe Video, Gary Kayye Interviews Nureva CEO Nancy Knowlton in Calgary Headquarters
January 14, 2020: rAVe Video, Gary Kayye and Rob Abbott Talk About Nureva’s New UCC-Based HDL200
January 10, 2020: audioXpress, Capture All the Excitement of Audio with audioXpress February 2020! A groundbreaking approach to gain control for conference calls
January 14, 2020: AVNetwork, Nureva to Debut New HDL200 System at ISE 2020
January 2020 issue: AV News, Nureva's advanced audio conferencing into small spaces
December 31, 2019: AVNetwork, Road to ISE 2020: Nureva
July 23, 2019: Digital AV, Nureva responde a los retos de audioconferencia de WRNS Studio
July 12, 2019: Convergent AV Media, The AV Life podcast: A Movie Star Tribute, Technology, Education and Security, and the FBI/Facial Recognition “Dilemma” (The Firing Range)
July 11, 2019: AV Magazine, America’s top architects choose Nureva HDL300
July 8, 2019: Let's Do Video, InfoComm 2019: Conference Wrap-Up
July 8, 2019: rAVe [Publications], Top architect firm chooses Nureva audio conferencing systems
July 8, 2019: Telecom Reseller, Learning & Classroom Te#1 U.S. architecture firm chooses Nureva audio conferencing systems
July 3, 2019: University Business, Why edtech leaders benefited from networking at UB Tech® 2019’s expo hall
July 2, 2019: rAVe Radio, Nureva Divulges New Product Development Plan Exclusively on rAVe RADIO
June/July 2019 issue: AV Magazine, Learning & Classroom Technology, p.56
July 3, 2019: University Business, Why edtech leaders benefited from networking at UB Tech® 2019’s expo hall
July 2, 2019: rAVe Radio, Nureva Divulges New Product Development Plan Exclusively on rAVe RADIO
June/July 2019 issue: AV Magazine, Learning & Classroom Technology, p.56
June 25, 2019 issue: rAVe [Publications], Gary Kayye’s Favorite InfoComm Booth Tours — and His LinkedIn LIVE Show Floor Tour, Too!
April 30, 2019: Sound & Video Contractor, Nureva's breakthrough audio conferencing system and visual collaboration solution to be showcased at InfoComm 2019
July 18, 2018: Convergent AV blog, Nureva announces North America's first installation of its next-generation Nureva™ Wall in Manhattan
July 17, 2018: AV Technology, Nureva Installs Its Next-Generation Nureva Wall in Manhattan
July 17, 2018: rAVe Pubs blog, Nureva Announces North America's First Install of its Nureva Wall in Manhattan
July 17, 2018: Sound & Video Contractor online, Check out North America's first installation of the next-generation Nureva™ Wall in Manhattan
July 17, 2018: AV Magazine, Furniture firm is first to install third-gen Nureva Wall
July 14, 2018: AV News Online, Nureva-and-the-Evolving-Workplace
June 26, 2018: Convergent AV blog, The Transformative and Industry Changing at InfoComm 2018, My Top Picks (The Bonuses)
June 25, 2018: Convergent AV blog, The Transformative and Industry Changing at InfoComm 2018, My Top Picks (the Next Ten)
June 23, 2018: Convergent AV Podcast, Sharing, and Speaking about Women in the AV Industry (Part 1)
June 21, 2018: Convergent AV Podcast, The Show Corner – Post Show InfoComm 2018 with Adrian Doughty, Nureva
June 21, 2018: K-12 Tech Decisions, Here Are the Commercial Integrator 2018 BEST Awards Winners
June 18, 2018: Convergent AV Blog, A CEO, and her Company that has Transformed Interactive Collaboration in the AV Industry – Nancy Knowlton and Nureva (One of my InfoComm 2018 Top Picks)
June 15, 2018: Commercial Integrator Online, Nureva at InfoComm 2018: Nureva Wall and Dual HDL300 Highlight 5 New Solutions
May 9, 2018: AV News Online, Transformative solutions for collaborative spaces
May 9, 2018: Convergent AV Podcast, Convergent Tech Talk Episode 7: Nureva – Transformative Collaboration Solutions That Are Re-Defining the Collaborative Process
January 8, 2018: EDUwire, ISE Gears Up for Another Record Breaking Year
December 8, 2017: Installation magazine, Interactive displays: adding value (part 2)
December 7, 2017: Installation magazine, Interactive displays: technology market and developments (part 1)
December 1, 2017: Telekomidag (Sweden), Konferens med ljuddimma (HDL300 audio conferencing system)
November 15, 2017: Convergent AV, Nureva announces its participation in ISE 2018
October 25, 2017: Systems Contractor News, 2017 Products of the Year (HDL300 audio conferencing system)
October 25, 2017: Systems Contractor News, University of Missouri Equips Collaboration Space with Nureva
October 24, 2017: (German), Fachtag in Wolmirstedter Gutenberg-Schule
October 19, 2017: ByggMesteren (Norway), Berøringsvegg og brannsikkert terrassesystem
October 18, 2017: Campus Technology, U Missouri collaboration tech battles bullying
October 18, 2017: THE Journal, U Missouri turns collaboration setup into anti-bullying tool for schools
October 18, 2017: rAVe [Publications], Nureva products inspire innovative thinking at University of Missouri
October 9, 2017: AVNetwork, A new breakthrough in audio conferencing solutions
October 9, 2017: Installation (UK), Latest industry appointments - September and October
September 29, 2017: DigitalAV Magazine (Spain), Crambo diseña la oficina del futuro con las últimas soluciones de colaboración, AV y gestión de sus partners
September 28, 2017: ITReload (Denmark), Sådan kan du få effektiviseret samarbejde og projektprocesserne i din virksomhed
September 27, 2017: Digital AV Magazine(Spain), Nureva elige a Crambo para comercializar sus soluciones de colaboración
September 26, 2017: InAVate (UK), Nureva signs Crambo for Spain
September 25, 2017: Community News Commons, Recognizing outstanding entrepreneurship and innovation
September 25, 2017: AV Magazine (UK), Nureva appoints Rob Abbott as its VP, products
September 12, 2017: Financial Post, Patience is key takeaway these serial entrepreneurs use for success
August 22, 2017: Commercial Integrator, Why You Should Watch for Nancy Knowlton of SMART Tech and Her New Company, Nureva
August 18, 2017: Tech Decisions, Aragon Research names Nureva 2017 Hot Vendor in Visual Collaboration
August 17, 2017: FKT, Macromedia Universität München implementiert Nureva Span System
August 17, 2017: AVTechnology, Visual collaboration system supports design thinking lab at Macromedia University in Germany
August 16, 2017: AVNetwork, Nureva named Aragon Research 2017 Hot Vendor in Visual Collaboration
August 14, 2017: AVNation - AVWeek podcast, Dialogue or die with George Tucker, Kevin Barlow (Draper) and Adrian Doughty (Nureva)
August 14, 2017: Convergent AV, Nureva named Aragon Research 2017 Hot Vendor in Visual Collaboration
July 21, 2017: My Tech Decisions podcast, Host Jonathan Blackwood speaks with Nancy Knowlton of Nureva about audioconferencing, active collaboration, and how the two must work in tandem
July 20, 2017: AV Technology, Net Heros: new campus AV tools for net-natives
July 19, 2017:, Nureva removes the limits of collaboration with Span visual collaboration system
June 15, 2017: rAVe Videos, InfoComm 2017: Nureva CEO Nancy Knowlton speaks to Gary Kayye about the future of collaboration
June 15, 2017: rAVe Videos, InfoComm 2017: Gary Kayye gets a HDL300 demo from Tyrone Chou of Nureva
June 15 2017: rAVe Videos, Nureva to focus on adding integrators at InfoComm 2017
June 15 2017: rAVe Videos, InfoComm 2017: Nureva demos 3 lives screen shares in Span system
June 15, 2017: rAVe Videos, InfoComm 2017: Nureva demos HDL300 audio conferencing system
June 14, 2017: rAVe [Publications], Nureva announces N.A. dealer recruitment for its HDL300 system
June 14, 2017:, Intel boosts meeting room modernization at InfoComm - Intel announces 7 ops partners and highlights work with partners like flatfrog, Nureva and avocor to extend the Intel Unite Experience
June 14, 2017: Commercial Integrator, Nureva HDL300 audio conferencing system delivers a more 'natural listening experience'
June 13, 2017: AudioXpress, Nureva announces availability of its HDL300 audio conferencing system
June 13, 2017: Telecom Reseller, Nureva HDL300 system gets thumbs up from Wainhouse Research
June 12, 2017: Tech Decisions, Nancy Knowlton of Nureva talks HDL300 audio conferencing system
June 8 2017: Business Insider, This CEO and her CTO husband have been working together for 30 years - now they're back with a self-funded startup
June 8 2017: AVNetwork, Nureva recruiting dealers for HDL300 conferencing system
June 7, 2017: The Canadian Techie, Nureva releases their HDL300 audio conferencing system
June 7, 2017: Telecom Reseller, Nureva announces N.A. dealer recuitment for its HDL300 system
June issue, 2017: AV Asia Pacifc magazine (page 8), Coman View - Peter Coman, InDesign Technologies Managing Director shares what caught his eye at ISE and what to look for at InfoComm
July 2, 2015: rAVe Publications, Creating the Impact at InfoComm 2015: My Disruptive Top 10
June 23, 2015: Wainhouse Research, InfoComm 2015: Stepping up the Definition of Collaboration
June 17, 2015: rAVe Publications, Gary Kayye Catches Up With Nureva President and CEO Nancy Knowlton
June 15, 2015: eWallstreeter, SEDTA partners with 9 hot ed-tech startups
June 10, 2015: THE Journal, SEDTA Names Emerging Private Sector Partners
June 10, 2015: Internet@Schools, SETDA Announces Partnership with New Cohort of Nine Startups Focused on Serving K-12 Education Needs
April 30, 2015: rAVe Publications, InfoComm 2015 Special Podcast: Gary’s Conversation with Nureva Founder Nancy Knowlton
April 29, 2015: rAVe Publications, Nureva appoints Shymmon Banerjee VP product development
April 29, 2015: rAVe Publications, Nureva appoints Rick Kennedy to key customer engagement role
April 7, 2015: Investor Central, Forced to diversify, Alberta tech sector expands out of oil
March 6, 2015:, Canadian Tech Company Moves from Classroom to Cloud with Education Innovations
February 9, 2015: 4-Traders, Dream Jobs Do Come True: Students Take the Helm as CEOs of lululemon, Ubisoft, Purolator and 17 Other Prominent Companies for One Day
February 3, 2015: Calgary Herald, Program matches students with top executives
October 25, 2014: Calgary Herald, SMART founders setting a new course
October 24, 2014: Ottawa Business Journal, Smart Technologies founders’ new company opens R&D office in capital
October 24, 2014: Globe and Mail, What could you learn from a top CEO?